The bottle openers are good for opening bottles, smashing bugs and attracting the opposite sex. The t-shirts on the other hand are good for wearing, wiping up spills, and repelling the opposite sex, and the stickers are suitable for application on cop cars, street signs and/or little children.
The bottle openers are $10.00, which sort of includes shipping, the t-shirts are $15.00 plus 4.00 for shipping and the stickers are a buck a piece.
Paypal me at drunkingham@gmail.
(It should be noted that while I currently am out of stock of the womens shirts, I am in the process of getting more made. Please email me first and I'll give you the low down.)
*NEWS FLASH* The mighty minds at Stroker Ace screen printing in Minneapolis are now producing the shirts.
Go to STROKER ACE(dot)COM for the skinny.